Amelia Sanchez

  • Assisted Living Memory Care: A Look At Common Questions

    Seeing your beloved family member lose their memory to age, dementia, or Alzheimer's disease is scary. Even more terrifying for many family members is the idea that their loved one will no longer be able to care for theirself or they won't be able to effectively care for them. Thankfully, there are memory care options available in the form of assisted living facilities that specialize in this kind of care for aging senior citizens.
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  • What You Need To Know About Costume Contact Lenses

    Many people think costume contact lenses are a great way to add pizzazz to a costume. However, many people obtain these lenses from costume shops without knowing of the potential dangers. Before you use non-prescription contact lenses, you should be aware of the risks so you can make an educated decision about your health. Oxygen Depravation Your eyes need oxygen to maintain their health. When you purchase non-prescription lenses for a costume, you're getting lenses that may, or may not, fit your eye.
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  • Your Annual Eye Exam

    Whether you have been wearing glasses for years or have perfect 20/20 vision, an annual eye exam is recommended to maintain your vision. Having an ophthalmologist perform an eye care exam only takes a short moment but getting information on what you need to do to maintain your ocular health will benefit you into your senior years. If you just want to schedule your eye exam and then go back to your regular everyday life, here's what to do.
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  • These Darned Allergies! How to Stop Seasonal Rhinitis Symptoms in Their Tracks

    If you suffer from seasonal rhinitis, you're not alone. Research shows that about 20% of the entire population suffer from seasonal rhinitis. Sometimes the symptoms can become so severe that you have a difficult time breathing. Not only that, but your eyes develop an itchy, watery condition that makes it difficult to see properly. Luckily, you don't need to suffer in silence. There are plenty of steps you can take to keep the condition under control.
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  • Glaucoma Treatments

    The eyes are an amazing organ, and it is pretty incredible exactly how an eye works. However, there are different problems that can arise with the eyes, and glaucoma is one of the most common problems that individuals have to deal with. In fact, it is estimated that over 3 million Americans actually have glaucoma. This condition is also the most common cause of blindness in the United States. There are no cures that are currently available for glaucoma, but there are a few different things that you can do.
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  • Why Supplements Are A Good Way To Get Your Daily Dose Of Probiotics

    Probiotics are bacteria that help your intestinal tract stay healthy. Sometimes the balance of bacteria in your gut gets out of order because of an illness, poor diet, or lengthy consumption of antibiotics. When the bad bacteria become more plentiful than the good, you may experience GI tract difficulties, diarrhea, or constipation. By taking a probiotic supplement, you can replenish the good bacteria in your gut and potentially enjoy improved health.
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  • 3 Tips To Prevent Arthritis When You Work In An Office Setting

    Working in an office can have negative effects on the body, including increasing your risk of developing arthritis. These are a few tips that can help you prevent this. 1. Maintain a Healthy Weight For one thing, you should know that arthritis can be associated with being overweight. Additionally, working in an office setting can promote a sedentary lifestyle can also cause you to pack on the pounds. Being mindful of your weight can help you prevent arthritis and a host of other health-related problems.
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  • Smoking And Forms Of Cancer Outside Of The Lung

    By now, the connection between smoking and lung cancer has been established and proven. That said, many smokers may not realize that they are also increasing their risk of other forms of cancer. Here's why it is important to quit smoking immediately and visit a cancer specialist: Throat Cancer Is Associated With Smoking Smokers may not realize that their habit is increasing their risk of cancer in the throat and on the mouth.
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  • 2 Tips That Can Help You Recover From Eye Surgery

    The biggest concern that quite a few individuals have when they are considering eye surgery is how difficult it will be to recover from the surgery. However, recovering from eye surgery is not all that difficult as long as you follow your doctor's orders and consider utilizing the tips listed below. Always Keep Eye Drops On Hand One of the most important things that you can do when attempting to recover from surgery is to always keep eyedrops on hand, both the eye drops provided by your doctor to help disinfect your eye and help it heal but also a doctor approved over-the-counter eye drop.
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  • Why Should Your Business Hire a 24-Hour Case Managers?

    When you're running a small company that can sometimes put workers at risk of injury, it's important to have the proper insurance in place. However, it's also smart to ensure that you use nurse case management services. These case managers can provide you and your employees with a number of benefits, including those below. They Handle Paperwork The first thing that a nursing case manager will do is to assist any injured employee with completing the appropriate paperwork.
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