Amelia Sanchez

  • 5 Pointers To Avoid Catching A Nail Fungus

    You may not realize you have toe fungus at first. It dawns on you one day as you try to trim your big toenails. Instead of being easy to snip, they break off in crumbly, thick, yellow bits. How did this happen? When did this happen? The truth is, you may never know where you caught a toe fungus. Various organisms can cause it, and that stuff lives everywhere, especially in warm, moist places.
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  • Why Are You Suddenly Experiencing Tunnel Vision?

    Do you feel as though you are looking down a tunnel? Everything straight ahead of you is perfectly clear, but the space on the sides looks blurry, out of focus, or completely dark. There are many possible causes of tunnel vision. Although this symptom can be alarming and is sometimes a sign of a serious medical condition, it can also be caused by simple problems such as migraines and concussions. Take a deep breath, and read on to gain a little more insight as to what might be causing your strange visual changes.
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  • 5 Benefits of a School Uniform Policy

    Many people have debated the pros and cons of uniform in school, but as the years go by more and more educational institutions are implementing school uniform policies for their students. While not every parent and student is going to love school uniforms, a number of benefits have been found in schools that require uniforms. Some of the biggest benefits include the following. Less of an Emphasis on Clothing Many kids, especially teenagers, see clothes as a status symbol, which can separate those who can afford designer labels and name brands from those who are not able to buy those items.
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  • Two Natural Remedies For Conjunctivitis: What You Should Know

    When it comes to your eye health, you may not always pay as much attention as you should. After all, as long as you can see, your eyes are healthy, right? Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Your eyes actually need maintenance and care to stay healthy and functioning. One common eye disorder that people often suffer from is conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye. This particular disorder can develop due to allergies, bacteria or a viral infection.
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  • Adapting Your Home To Care For A Loved One With Alzheimer's

    Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder that affects more than 5 million Americans. According to a report by the Alzheimer's Association, in 2010 nearly 15 million unpaid caregivers (primarily family members) provided 17 billion hours of unpaid care to Alzheimer's patients, many of whom were being watched over in the homes of family members. If you are one of those in-home family caregivers, one of your top concerns is the safety of your loved one, who may suffer from memory loss, confusion with time or place, and a decrease in judgment making skills, among other things.
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  • 3 Ways To Lose Weight Quickly

    Whether you have a special event coming up or you're simply just tired of being overweight, there are many reasons that you might want to shed unwanted pounds. Fortunately, there are a number of different ways that you can lose weight quickly and easily.  1. Start Counting Calories Even when you're trying to be careful about what you eat, it can be all too easy to end up consuming too many calories.
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  • The Surprising Dangers Of A Pedicure & What You Can Do About It

    Pedicures are supposed to be relaxing and pampering, but they can also carry hidden dangers. Getting fungal, bacterial or viral infections from a pedicure is not only possible, but is fairly common. Here is some information on how these infections happen, what you can do about it and how to prevent them from happening again. Causes & Types Of Infection If salon instruments aren't properly sanitized, they can transmit bacteria from one client to another.
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  • Three Things To Remember When Designing A Cemetery Monument

    When a loved one passes away, it's natural to think about ways you can create a lasting memory of that person. And if you've decided to have a cemetery burial, creating and installing a unique headstone or monument is the most permanent way to honor the deceased. Requirements for cemetery monuments may vary between cemeteries. Your funeral home director can often answer questions and help you understand what to consider when creating a headstone or monument for your loved one.
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  • The Benefits Of Getting A Flu Shot During Pregnancy

    The risks and benefits of vaccinations have been a heated topic for years, but there's no need to fear the influenza vaccine if you're pregnant. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that flu vaccines are safe for pregnant women -- in fact, the agency even recommends that moms-to-be get the shot. Still not convinced that you should get vaccinated against influenza this season? Here are four great reasons to do it during your pregnancy.
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  • Improve Your Fertility With A Healthy Dose Of Acupuncture

    Not everyone has it easy when it comes to conceiving a baby. While some may get pregnant their first try, others may spend months – even years – trying to conceive. Infertility is one of the reasons why a person can't conceive. Luckily, there are ways to overcome this, including eating a healthier diet and limiting alcohol and caffeine consumption. Another way of improving your fertility is with acupuncture. What is Acupuncture?
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