Amelia Sanchez

  • Improve Your Fertility With A Healthy Dose Of Acupuncture

    Not everyone has it easy when it comes to conceiving a baby. While some may get pregnant their first try, others may spend months – even years – trying to conceive. Infertility is one of the reasons why a person can't conceive. Luckily, there are ways to overcome this, including eating a healthier diet and limiting alcohol and caffeine consumption. Another way of improving your fertility is with acupuncture. What is Acupuncture?
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  • Key Components Of A Regular Eye Exam

    Eyes are your windows to the world. It's important that you keep them in good health. Avoiding reading in poor light, reducing eye strain, and wearing sunglasses are a few of the ways to keep your eyes protected. However, eye exams serve as the most critical component of proper eye care. During your 20s and 30s, you should have your eyes checked every five to 10 years and every two to four years for adults age 40 to 65.
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  • Looking For A Way To Improve Your Facial Appearance? How About Getting A Facelift?

    While growing older means you get wiser, it also means your face is going to start showing the world just how old you are. The collagen and elastin starts to head south, leaving you with sunken cheekbones and sagging skin. No one wants to look in the mirror and see a shell of their former selves. You want to feel confident about your appearance. Just because you might be growing older, that doesn't mean everyone around you has to know it.
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  • How To Treat Whooping Cough In Young Children

    Pertussis, also referred to as whooping cough, is a bacterial infection that happens to be very contagious. This infection, characterized by a severe cough, is most commonly seen in young children and adults who have not received the vaccine DTaP or Tdap. If you suspect that your young child has whooping cough, here are a few treatment tips. Antibiotics Since whooping cough is a bacterial infection, antibiotics can be used to treat it.
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  • Whether To Seek Emergency Or Urgent Care Treatment For Sports Injuries

    When you are injured while playing sports or working out, you might have questions about what your best treatment option is. Should you go to the emergency room? Should you wait until you can get an appointment with your primary care doctor? Should you just try to tough it out? Many athletes are quite accustomed to suffering minor injuries, and might be tempted to not seek treatment at all. This option poses a risk of improper healing or long healing times, which can be particularly detrimental to someone often engaged in sports.
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