Amelia Sanchez

  • OB/GYN Board Preparation Tips To Help You Pass Your Exam

    Choosing obstetrics and gynecology as your medical specialty will provide you with many rewards and challenges during your medical career. Also known as OB/GYN, obstetrics and gynecology focuses on diagnosing and treating gynecological conditions, providing prenatal care to your patients, delivering babies, and providing patient care after the baby is born. Your OB/GYN chosen specialty requires extensive training and expertise, and before you can start your practice, you will need to pass your medical board examination.
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  • Get The Help You Need: How Clinical Imaging Improves Your Healthcare

    If your doctor has ordered clinical imaging for you, it's time to schedule your appointment. Clinical imaging services include tests like MRIs, ultrasounds, and CT scans. Clinical imaging gives doctors a better look at what's going on inside your body. Because they have a better look, your doctor can customize a treatment plan that works best for you. Plus, there are fewer risks of misdiagnosis. If you're not sure you want to go through with the procedure, read the list provided below.
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  • What Is A Rheumatologist?

    If you've been feeling aches and pains that just won't go away, it could be time to see a rheumatologist. A rheumatologist is a medical doctor who specializes in diseases of the joints and muscles, as well as autoimmune diseases. They diagnose and treat arthritis, gout, and autoimmune diseases. Here's what you need to know about what a rheumatologist does and how they can help you.  What Conditions Does a Rheumatologist Treat?
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  • 4 Times You Should Call Your Pediatrician

    As a parent, you want to make sure that your child is healthy and happy. One important step in ensuring that your child is well taken care of is knowing when to call their child doctor or pediatrician. To help parents understand when it's time to pick up the phone, here's a look at four times when calling the pediatrician is the best option. Fever or Other Illnesses With a Fever
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  • What You Need To Know About Minimally Invasive Surgery For Spinal Stenosis Treatment

    Spinal surgery is a scary prospect for anyone. Many people picture large incisions and even longer recoveries. In moderate to advanced cases of spinal stenosis, your doctor may recommend spinal surgery. Here's what you need to know to see if minimally invasive spinal surgery might be right for you:  What Is Spinal Stenosis Spinal stenosis is a common condition where the interior of your spinal canal is too small. The spinal canal narrows and applies pressure to your spinal cord.
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  • Signs Of A Urinary Tract Infection In Men

    Urinary tract infections happen frequently to women but they also happen to men as well. Some of the symptoms of this type of infection in men are similar to what women may experience.   If you suspect that you have a severe urinary tract infection, it may be time to see a urologist. However, you may still be hesitant. Here are some tips that will help you decide whether or not you need to visit a urologist.
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  • Tips For Those Needing Transgender Healthcare

    For transgender individuals, meeting their healthcare needs can often seem daunting. However, there are healthcare professionals that are capable of assisting these patients with meeting the range of their healthcare needs. Appreciate The Full Scope Of Care That Transgender Patients Can Need Individuals will often assume that transgender healthcare providers are only needed once it has been decided to undergo a surgical procedure. In reality, these services can offer a full range of care to help those that are going through the transitioning process or that are still evaluating whether this is a process that they are wanting to begin.
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  • What Can A Medical Spa Do For Your Feet?

    When most people think about a medical spa, they think about treatments that impact the way they look. While medical spas offer plenty of treatments to improve your appearance, they can also do a lot for the health of your feet. Healthy feet are important for a healthy life. Here are some ways a medical spa can keep your feet healthy and looking their best. Medical Spas Improve Circulation Through the Feet
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  • Nearsightedness: Understanding This Vision Problem

    It's no secret that people have different eyesight. Some can see things far away, while others can only see things up close. This post takes a closer look at nearsightedness and highlights a few things you might need to know about this vision problem. A Brief Overview Nearsightedness, also known as myopia, is a vision problem that makes it difficult for your eyes to make out objects from a certain distance.
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  • Your Guide To Heart Health: Conditions An Echocardiogram Can Diagnose

    An echocardiogram is a non-invasive diagnostic test that uses ultrasound waves to create an image of your heart. This image can show the size and shape of your heart, as well as how well it is functioning. The test can help identify problems with your heart muscle, valves, or blood flow. This post highlights two common conditions that can be diagnosed with an echocardiogram. Valvular Heart Disease Valvular heart disease (VHD) is a condition that affects one or more of the valves in your heart.
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