Smoking And Forms Of Cancer Outside Of The Lung
Posted on: 28 June 2017
By now, the connection between smoking and lung cancer has been established and proven. That said, many smokers may not realize that they are also increasing their risk of other forms of cancer. Here's why it is important to quit smoking immediately and visit a cancer specialist:
Throat Cancer Is Associated With Smoking
Smokers may not realize that their habit is increasing their risk of cancer in the throat and on the mouth. Unfortunately, this is the case. The carcinogenic items in tobacco quickly cause cell mutations that lead to cancer. This risk is more pronounced with those who smoke pipes or who occasionally enjoy smokeless tobacco, such as chew or snuff.
Typically, cancers of this type begin as leukoplakia or erythroplakia and develop into more serious forms of cancer. As a result, it is important to catch it early and undergo treatment when it develops. That said, smoking is also associated with an increased risk of serious stomach cancer.
Smoking Can Also Increase Stomach Cancer Risk
Various studies indicate that stomach cancer risk increases when a person smokes. This increased risk was especially prominent in men, though it was also increased in women. It was found that over 10 percent of all stomach cancer cases around the world could be partially or fully attributed to regularly tobacco ingestion.
What is scary about stomach cancer is that it can easily spread to other parts of the body. It is especially likely to affect the lymphatic system and spread to a wider range of the body more quickly. As a result, it is important to quit smoking and get checked for cancer as soon as possible.
Quitting Smoking Is A Good First Step
A person who smokes may be asking themselves if quitting is going to affect their risk of these cancers that much. Thankfully, quitting smoking will cause an immediate decrease in the risk of at least 12 different types of cancer. While a person who smoked regularly for years will always have a higher risk of cancer than someone who did not smoke, they can gradually decrease that risk level.
While quitting smoking is a good step in the right direction, it is also essential to get checked for cancer right away. This fact is especially true for people who had smoked for 10 or more years. A good cancer specialist can do a quick scan of the body, spot potentially problematic areas, and treat them to eliminate the risk of developing cancer.
By quitting smoking and taking an immediate assessment of cancer risk, a person can stay on top of this serious health problem. Cancer can devastate the life of a person when it occurs, making it essential to do what is necessary to prevent it.
Contact a cancer treatment clinic for more information and assistance.