5 Pointers To Avoid Catching A Nail Fungus
Posted on: 2 March 2015
You may not realize you have toe fungus at first. It dawns on you one day as you try to trim your big toenails. Instead of being easy to snip, they break off in crumbly, thick, yellow bits. How did this happen? When did this happen?
The truth is, you may never know where you caught a toe fungus. Various organisms can cause it, and that stuff lives everywhere, especially in warm, moist places. And you probably didn't feel anything when it began invading your toenail space, so who knows when it started?
What you can learn is how to avoid toenail fungus by following these 5 rules:
1) Be good to your nails at work.
The organisms that cause toe fungus are opportunists. They spread rapidly, from surface to surface and from person to person.
They also take advantage of any separation of your nail from the nail bed. Separation can occur due to injury or other trauma.
Be careful when using hand tools and while performing other work activities where your nails may be damaged. Wear steel-toed boots and sturdy gloves when doing heavy construction.
2) Rethink your standard manicures and pedicures.
Removing the cuticle is a great way to give nail fungus a cozy home. Instead, have cuticles folded back.
Long press-on nails use a strong glue which can separate the nail from the nail bed. Choose shorter nails to avoid fungal infection.
And make sure your nail salon autoclaves their manicure equipment to thoroughly sterilize tools that come in contact with clients.
3) Be vigilant about your toes during sports.
Contact sports, equestrian events and rock-climbing activities may all prove hazardous to your toenails. Have proper foot safety gear for the sport in which you're engaged.
Be aware of your surroundings and your footing, and watch where you step.
4) Clean your nail care tools and footwear.
Anything that comes in contact with your nails may also be loaded with the fungi that cause discolored, damaged nails.
Clean clippers and metal nail files after each use. Use fresh disposable nail files, and don't share them.
Wear clean socks and regularly wash your feet and nails well.
5) Know other risk factors for nail infections.
Older people are more prone to nail infections. People with psoriasis may also be at a high risk for nail infections.
Wearing high heels, which often crush the toes together, can damage the nails and increase your chance of acquiring a nail fungus.
The good news about nail fungus is that there are many treatment options available today. Topical creams and gels often work fine. Medicines that work internally, via pills, can clear up more stubborn cases. Laser treatments are another option.
Your doctor may take a sample of the nail to examine it, and he or she will know the best way to combat the fungi attacking your nails.
For more information, contact a business such as Oregon Foot Clinic.