Key Components Of A Regular Eye Exam
Posted on: 29 October 2014
Eyes are your windows to the world. It's important that you keep them in good health. Avoiding reading in poor light, reducing eye strain, and wearing sunglasses are a few of the ways to keep your eyes protected. However, eye exams serve as the most critical component of proper eye care. During your 20s and 30s, you should have your eyes checked every five to 10 years and every two to four years for adults age 40 to 65. Knowing what to expect during an exam can help you prepare.
Eye Muscle Test
The eye muscle test is meant to examine the manner in which your eye muscles move, in order to ensure they are properly aligned. Improper alignment is a condition known as strabismus, more commonly referred to as cross-eyes. You will be asked to track an object with your eyes as the doctor moves it horizontally and vertically in different patterns. While your eyes are tracking the object, the doctor observes how your eyes move.
Cover Test
The cover test examines how well your eyes work together. The eye doctor will have you look at a small target on the opposite side of the room. While staring at the target, the doctor will cover up one of your eyes, rotating back and forth between which eye is covered. The doctor is looking to see if either eye is rotating away from the target. Failing this part of the exam could be a sign of ocular deviation, a condition where one of your eyes deviates outward or inward.
Pupillary Reaction and External Exam
During the pupillary reaction part of the exam, the doctor will examine how your pupils react to a flashing light as it's moved closer to your eye. If there aren't any issues present, both of your pupils should constrict when light is flashed into either eye. While examining the pupils the doctor will also look at the condition of the white part of your eyes and your eyelids as part of the external exam.
Acuity Test
The acuity test is the most familiar part of the eye exam. During this step you will be asked to sit in front of an eye chart. With one eye covered, you will read the letters on the chart, even as they get smaller after each line. You will continue to read the letters aloud until you can't see them clearly. The results of this test generally serve as the first indication of a vision problem, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness, and determine whether you need any further vision testing.
It's imperative that you make eye exams a priority to ensure your eyes are in good health. Good eye health is key to better vision. For more information, contact a local eye clinic, like Naples Optical Center Inc.