Health Medical

  • When To Get Tested For Covid-19

    With Covid-19 being a relatively new virus, you may struggle to understand what you are and aren't supposed to do. When it comes to Covid-19 testing, you should get tested in a few different situations in order to keep yourself and others safe. This article will give you a breakdown of the different scenarios in which you should get a Covid-19 test. If You Are Experiencing Symptoms If you have any of the following symptoms you should get tested:
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  • Everything To Know About Drug And Alcohol Testing For Work

    Everyone makes mistakes, but when drugs and alcohol are involved, mistakes can become deadly and costly. Therefore, employers require employees to stay drug- and alcohol-free while working. For this reason, whether you're just applying for a job or you've been working the same job for years, you need to understand drug and alcohol testing. Pre-Employment Drug and Alcohol Screenings Are Common Many employers require you to pass a drug and alcohol test to qualify for employment.
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  • Ways To Save Money At The Dispensary

    Visiting the cannabis dispensary can be a lot of fun, and most dispensaries have a whole array of unique products to try. But sometimes, you may not be able to afford to walk out of the dispensary with $300 worth of new goodies. Does that mean you shouldn't visit entirely? Of course not! Here are some easy ways to save when visiting the dispensary. Ask about mids Of course, everyone wants the highest-quality cannabis with the highest THC concentration and the prettiest trichomes.
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  • 5 Common Myths About Cataract Surgery

    If you have cataracts, your eye doctor may have suggested getting cataract surgery. It is the only way to treat this issue. Although cataract surgery has been performed by doctors for a long time, there are still many misconceptions about it. Here are some common myths about cataract surgery. All Cataracts Require Surgery This is not true. Cataracts range from mild to severe, and not all of them need surgery. If you have mild cataracts and your vision is not affected, you likely do not need to have cataract surgery.
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  • Suitable Exercises During Spinal Rehabilitation

    When you are in spinal rehab, you may wonder what activities you can do on your own time to facilitate treatment and avoid injury. Low-impact activities are the key to your health. These are activities that allow your bones to absorb less force as you work out. This guide describes the exercises often recommended for people with injuries and health conditions. Spinal rehab is a great tool for improving your health, especially after an injury.
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  • Pregnancy Care Tips For The Second Trimester

    When the second trimester of pregnancy arrives, most women start to feel a little better. The morning sickness starts to wane, and mood swings tend to stabilize. At the same time, this is when the physical changes tend to start appearing. Most women start to actually look pregnant early in the third trimester, and problems like stretch marks and sore legs start to arise. So, how can you do a better job of caring for yourself and your future child during the second trimester?
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  • Why A Sturdy Bedframe Is Important For Larger Americans

    Whether you weigh 150 pounds or 500 pounds, everyone wants and deserves to have a good night's sleep. The sad truth is that many Americans who are on the heavier side of the spectrum find it difficult to find sturdy bed frames that fit their needs. If you have had trouble with creaky frames that threaten to give out before, then you need to start looking for more solidly made options that will give you the peace of mind you need to sleep well.
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  • 4 FAQ About Root Canals

    Are you like most people, and dread the idea of having a root canal? If so, knowing more about this type of dental procedure can help you overcome your fear. To help you know more, here are the answers to four frequently asked questions about root canals. 1. Why Are Root Canals Necessary? Before knowing why root canals are necessary, it can be helpful to know some anatomy of the tooth.
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  • 3 Ways Mental Health Counseling Can Help Strengthen Your Marriage

    When it comes to mental health issues, it is easy to believe that your concerns only impact you. However, if you are married, the issues you face can also affect your partner. Unfortunately, these issues can create tension within your relationship, which can open the door to all sorts of problems. Mental health counseling may be able to help. If you have thought about seeking this type of counseling, learn how this step may be able to improve your relationship.
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  • What Is Direct Primary Care And How Can It Help Me?

    Dealing with medical insurance companies is one of the most frustrating aspects of the health care industry. Fortunately, there are alternatives like direct primary care to help make health care make more sense. You might have seen a doctor described as a direct primary care physician and assumed that it was the same thing as a primary care physician or general practitioner. You might be surprised to learn that direct primary care is actually an alternative payment model for patients and doctors.
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