Oncology Career Paths And Training

Posted on: 9 April 2015

If you're considering a career in oncology, be prepared for a challenging and rewarding experience. Oncology is challenging because you'll be in close contact with people fighting a serious disease – cancer. The rewarding part, obviously, occurs when you help extend your patient's lives, or cure them completely. If the field interests you, remember that oncology is not practiced solely by oncologists. Indeed, a medical facility's oncology department includes several specialized roles.
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What To Expect With A Tattoo Removal Procedure

Posted on: 30 March 2015

If you have a tattoo on your body that you no longer feel comfortable with, you may have considered having a tattoo reversal procedure to have it removed from your skin. Tattoos are removed with aesthetics laser technology and are minimally invasive. Here is some information about laser tattoo removal and what you can expect before, during and after the procedure: Preparing For The Procedure When you decide to remove a tattoo, you will need to have a consultation with a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon that specializes in laser tattoo removal.
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Preventing Joint Injury In Sports

Posted on: 12 March 2015

The most common complaint from athletes is a torn ACL (anterior cruciate ligament).  The ACL is one of the four major ligaments that holds the knee joint in place, and is located in the front or anterior of the knee.  Injury to this area is most common in contact sports such as soccer, football or basketball.  It can occur from direct impact, landing wrong from a jumping position, or a quick change in direction.
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5 Pointers To Avoid Catching A Nail Fungus

Posted on: 2 March 2015

You may not realize you have toe fungus at first. It dawns on you one day as you try to trim your big toenails. Instead of being easy to snip, they break off in crumbly, thick, yellow bits. How did this happen? When did this happen? The truth is, you may never know where you caught a toe fungus. Various organisms can cause it, and that stuff lives everywhere, especially in warm, moist places.
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