4 Things Patients Should Know About Gastric Bypass Surgery

Posted on: 3 November 2021


Maintaining a reasonable body weight is important for your overall health. If you're currently overweight, losing weight can also help you feel better and improve your confidence, especially if you're self-conscious about your appearance. Unfortunately, some people struggle to lose weight, no matter what they do.

If you're determined to lose weight and you've already tried other options, a surgical solution might be right for you. Gastric bypass surgery can be used to reduce a person's stomach capacity, making it easier for them to lose weight. Here are four things you should know if you're considering gastric bypass surgery:

1. There are two parts to the surgery.

When people think of gastric bypass surgery, they often think of the reduction in stomach capacity. Your surgeon will section off a portion of your stomach, which will reduce the amount of food that you can eat. However, your surgeon will also reroute part of your digestive system, which will cause your body to absorb fewer calories from the food you eat. 

2. You will need to modify your diet. 

Gastric bypass surgery can make it easier for you to lose weight. However, you will still need to make certain lifestyle changes. After your surgery, you'll no longer be able to eat as much as you used to. As a result, you will have to eat several smaller meals throughout the day. Since your body will absorb fewer calories and nutrients from the food you ingest, you'll also need to make an effort to eat nutritionally dense foods. Your doctor may suggest that you start taking a multivitamin, as well. 

3. You will need to adopt a liquid diet before your surgery.

During gastric bypass surgery, your surgeon will be working with your digestive tract. To facilitate this process, you'll need to ensure that your digestive system is empty. You can do this by following a special liquid diet for up to two weeks before the official date of your surgery. 

4. Your doctor will help you figure out if you're a good candidate for the procedure.

Researching on your own can help you understand more about the gastric bypass procedure. However, there is no substitute for professional medical advice. Your doctor has firsthand knowledge of your medical history, and they can help you assess your risk factors using their medical expertise. Before committing to gastric bypass surgery, you should schedule a discussion with your doctor to go over the pros and cons of the procedure.